The "why" (Bit#005)

The "why" (Bit#005)

Every day a lion and a gazelle wake-up. Gazelles will have to out run the slowest gazelle. The lion will have to run fast enough to catch the slowest gazelle in the pack. They both run, but what do you think is their "why" for the day?

"When the purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable!"

Take away: Why do you code? The reason why you are probably are not motivated enough (among other factors) is because you cannot answer this question or have never asked yourself this question. When your purpose for coding is there, when you get discouraged (and you will), remembering why you are doing it will always be the first step towards you being ok.

Why do you code? Why do you switch on your IDE or text editor and write code? Why do you write tests, build & ship. You are at times not motivated because you kind of want it. Get your why.

Whats your why? Feel free to share in the comments below.

Cover photo by Robert Woeger on Unsplash